Monday, January 15, 2024

Ruby wants to blog...

 Guess I'll be setting up hers soon.

Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Nobody reads this.


Many many moons ago, before 9/11, I downloaded an album by a band called Marvin Grealish.
They have disappeared from the web. I cannot for the life of me find a trace of them. Their album has no name, the tracks have no metadata. I've made multiple copies of this disc over the years, then made mp3s for my first mp3 player, and have had it with me pretty much since. 15 years I've been listening to this album and I've decided to try and find this band, or at least one of it's members so I can tell them that they have a fan, and that as long as I live their music will be played.

I've named the album 'From the internet before 9/11', and named the tracks based on the lyrics.

If anyone has any idea who they are and how I could get in touch with them I'd greatly appreciate hearing from you.

Found them, well him.

 Took Cam for a sleep-dep ecg today. Basically got to sit for an hour while they were passed out from staying up for 24 hours while wired to a brainwave reader. No pictures allowed though. PBBBBT!

Nailed two assholes parked in bike lanes on the way to work; if they get the tickets I've more then covered my days pay via the asshole tax.

Listening to Andy Weirs 'The Martian' again, the re-do with the new ending. Such a good book to relax with while stripping pee-encrusted finish off a polished concrete floor.

Cory Doctorow started a new thing a while back He did it for about a year then just stopped with no reason. WhAtEvAr...

Tuesday, March 09, 2021

 Forgot I even had this until I was prompted to google my name today.

Fuck everything, I wish I could spend more time alone drinking and playing video games.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

bovine shanghai count sheets

bovine and shanghai count sheet

Thursday, July 07, 2011

Dubstep remix of John Cages 4:33

I have made a dubstep remix of John Cages 4:33 please to be enjoying.

Wednesday, July 06, 2011

Charanjit Singh's Ten Ragas to a Disco Beat: Dubstep version from the Wubmachine

I used the Wubmachine to turn Charanjit Singh's Ten Ragas To a Disco Beat into Dubstep.

Enjoy, you can download them Here

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

The Character RPG system.

The Character system has no predefined rules, tables, character stats, or genra.

The Instigator of Play starts a discussion for the prefered genra of the session and the group defines the setting collaboratively.

Each player then performs a soliliquy that describes and defines their Character and its relationship to the setting. Characters can be new or persistant.

The Instigator guides the Players in the activities of these Characters as they experience their Character, the other players Characters, and the collaboratively generated world.

Any Character can attempt to perform any action.
If The Instigator or any other Player thinks that an action should be challenged, resisted, or opposed they can request a Roll.

The Instigator places any number of random generators down. Other players can add, remove, or swap generators; and suggest specific conditional modifiers, results for failure or success for individual generators or the Roll as a whole.

The Generators are rolled to determine the Target and Conditons.

The Instigator then, based on their grasp of the Players Character offers a selection of generators to the Player. The other Players then modify the selection as they did with the Target and Conditions.

The Player then Rolls their Attempt.

The Attempt is resolved by Instigator and Players and Role Play continues.

Particularially good Role Play is rewarded by Instigator or Players giving Players generators that they can use at any time to modify any Attempt at any point.

Critical successes and failures should involve the owing and recieving of drinks.